Hookah is a device for smoking tobacco with water in the Middle East,
Central Asia and North Africa, which is common. Hookah was invented by
the Persians and Indians. In Persian rugs and seethe as well as
registered and is sometimes also called Coconut.In Afghanistan, the
whole of the hookah, also called snot. In the Arabic countries and in
the sub-continent known as glass and known to juggle. To use smoke
hookah, tobacco is heated by charcoal back into the practice of “smoking
shisha” they say.The photos and video of the blessed people! Iranian to
visit and they wants a woman in a city that has been dubbed as heads of
the spiritual capital of Iran! After the domination of Isis and
insecurity in Iraq and also turned down the national currency’s value
seeing Iraqis are in Mashhad.So they ban on performing the concert in
the city, according to a hadith from Imam Reza! Concerts in the city is
prohibited.The city has introduced many singers and musicians, now needs
to showcase the spread of prostitution in the country is temporary!A
woman who was not identified, in the town of Golestan, warned by the
police because the she was improperly dressed. A few minutes later she
stripped off her clothes in the street and began to run. It is believed
that excessive consumption of glass caused by women is such an ugly
act.The news a few days ago Iranian dog named “Arezoo” regularly
Satellite Persian-language media, especially “Voice of America” is
played, and even Iranian executors Facebook to advertise their dogs, but
there is no Iranian reporter’s beat.A young eighteen years old boy
named Riss Johns, put a stop to his demoniac and bestiality actions
after exiting a coffee shop and affraying in street, and barging into a
street and dishonoring an old woman who could bearly walk or talk.